Born in Paris, Emilie studied Dance at the Rosella Hightower Ballet School in Cannes. In 2000, she joined the company Jeune Ballet International where she danced classical and contemporary works by Balanchine, Brumachon and Preljocaj, among others. Later on, Emilie would return to Paris to get her degree as ballet teacher.
After several years dancing in various productions, she met her husband, Menno Van Dyke, who is a circus performer and who introduced Emilie to the world of circus. Together they created the act Juggling Tango, a dexterous fusion of dance and juggling. Since 2007, they’ve been successfully performing in circus productions, variety theatres, and festivals around the world. They have won multiple awards at festivals in Moscow, Paris and China. In 2018, during a performance at Theater Carré they received the Oscar Carré Trofee: the achievement award for the circus arts in the Netherlands.
In 2022, as “maker for a year” at TENT (house for contemporary circus), Emilie made her directorial debut with Be kind, circus theatre for the little ones”